Themed Movie Recaps Episodes

Feb. 7, 2022

Time Loop Movies

This week's episode is a classic Chris and Steve mess around in which they discuss what they've been streaming as well as some of their favorite time loop movies! Timecodes 00:12:20 - Crossing Streams 00:23:05 - The Book of B...

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Dec. 13, 2021

Favorite Cinematic Spider-Man Villains

Chris, Andy, and Steve sit down to list their top 3 favorite enemies of Spidered Men throughout all cinematic Spider-Man films. Are your favorites among theirs? Timecodes Crossing Streams - 00:07:59 Favorite Cinematic Spider-...

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Dec. 6, 2021

Famous Director Departures

Chris and Steve settle in to discuss directors who took a chance and departed from their normal styles. All of this is in anticipation of Steven Spielberg's West Side Story. As always, they also talk about all the things they...

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Oct. 11, 2021

Favorite Horror Films

Chris, Andy, and Steve are joined by friend of the show Jimmy to discuss their favorite Horror films of all time! See trailers to the TV and film properties we discuss in the podcast here: {Peacock} It Follows

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Aug. 23, 2021

Favorite Summer Movies

With summer starting to wind down Chris, Andy, and Steve discuss some of their favorite summertime films. They also talk about what they've been streaming as well as some TV and movie news. See trailers to the TV and film pro...

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Aug. 9, 2021

The Suicide Squad, Suicide Squad, Birds of Prey

Chris, Andy, and Steve inject a couple bombs in their heads and embark to the theaters to have their minds blown. This week they review James Gunn's The Suicide Squad! Does Gunn's writing and directing chops have what it take...

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June 21, 2021

Favorite Indie Films

Before summer blockbuster season starts - Chris, Andy, and Steve wanted to spend some time highlighting some of their favorite indie films of all time. They even get in deep with the history of what makes an indie film...well...

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March 15, 2021

Directors and Their Cuts

The Snyder cut of the Justice League is almost upon us. Chris, Andy, and Steve dip into some of their favorite director's cuts throughout the years. Why do they happen? What makes a good director's cut? What makes a bad one? ...

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March 1, 2021

Books vs. Movies: Requiem

This show is all about streaming content on our televisions and mobile devises, but we read too! Chris, Andy, and Steve are complete uncultured swines! The trio bring up some examples of books that have crossed over to the si...

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Feb. 8, 2021

Favorite Romances in TV and Film

We've all felt the magnetism of the dreaded "will they, won't they" trope in TV and film. Constantly tuning into a show every week to see if our favorite on screen couples finally realize they're perfect for one another. Or l...

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Feb. 1, 2021

The Most Anticipated Movies of 2021

Chris, Andy, and Steve break down their most anticipated movies currently scheduled to release in 2021, how the industry will change due to COVID, and they Cross the streams by discussing what they've been streaming!Follow us...

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Jan. 15, 2018

Top 10 Films of 2017

Chris, Andy, and Steve take a detour from their Black Mirror coverage to list off their top 10 films of 2017. Did your favorite films make the cut? Tune in to find out!Skip ahead to your favorite segments!00:07:32 - #1000:15:...

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