June 26, 2019

Re-Release | Stranger Things 2 Chapter 2 : Trick or Treat, Freak!

Re-Release | Stranger Things 2 Chapter 2 : Trick or Treat, Freak!
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This is a re-release of Stranger Things 2 Chapter 2 : Trick or Treat, Freak! Any contests discussed in the episode have since expired.Chris, Andy, and Steve breakdown the second episode in season two of the Netflix series STRANGER THINGS - Chapter 2: Trick or Treat, Freak. As usual, we recap the episode, discuss our favorite moments, and hunt for Easter eggs. Enjoy your Eggos and CHOCOLATE PUDDING!Follow us all on Twitter!@StreamThingPod to follow the show.@moviesRtherapy for Chris@andymostdays for Andy@stevemay13 for SteveJoin the conversation at streamingthingspod@gmail.comFollow us on Facebook at strangerthingspodcastPlease take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review our podcast.

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