I found the show and started listening for the Dune coverage, which I pretty much could not find anywhere else other than the official HBO watch-along cast (aka promotional garbage). While these guys do get quite a lot wrong on the lore side of things (get over it nerds), they do usually correct themselves in subsequent episodes and I enjoy the meal they make out of the angry listener engagement part of the business.
Beyond that, entertaining show that is a bit by the numbers for my taste (not true television criticism, which is usually what I’m seeking out), but I’m happily giving a 5 star review because these guys - who clearly have connections to the television/film industry (Kit went to the premiere, they get advanced screeners) - are willing to be honest and call a bad show bad, when it’s bad. Or mediocre when it’s mediocre, etc.. the honest and straightforward opinions are refreshing and rarer and rarer in the pop-culture/tele podcasting ecosystem.