A slight ADHD flare up but I think my 3-part review is now complete with giving props to Andy and Steve as being separate entities. Took me til Dune s1 e4 to finally realize it!
Star Wars sampling of bits that made me spit out my chillum:
- Yoda turning away from Luke and dying rather than telling him the truth.
- Steve (Andy?) perfectly fake-trumpeting the Max Rebo Band jams.
- Nien Numb impersonation
- Impressed they know who Tags and Bink are
- The whole “George Lucas not being a real person” thing
- Wife asking “Who’s that cute teddy bear riding the bike?” (Paploo!)
- So much more
Btw, I covered my eyes in the theatre as an 8-year old when the Rancor came out.
Dec. 22, 2024 by Deadhead-Dan10 on Apple Podcasts