The dudes abide! Chris and Steve review The Big Lebowski from the Coen Brothers. This pick was nominated by Valerie on our Patreon. Jeff Bridges brings the titular Dude to life opposite of John Goodman's Walter in this hilari...
Steve and Andy are joined by Stanton to review his chosen film - Barb & Star Go to Vista Del Mar. Stanton is a Patron Saint of Streaming Things and traveled all the way from Chicago to be in studio with us for this episode. W...
Chris, Steve, and...ANDY? Andy returns to Streaming Things to review The Silence of the Lambs starring Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins. This movie was suggested by Patron Aaron Layton! We're on YouTube! We got BRAND NEW merc...
Chris and Steve review the patron suggested film - Robin Hood: Men in Tights. This classic Mel Brooks comedy sees Cary Elwes and company lampoon much much beloved Robin Hood character! We're on YouTube! We got BRAND NEW merch...
Chris and Steve review the 1993 classic western - Tombstone. They gush about how much fun they had with the movie, share some cowboy history, talk about behind the scenes stories, and debate whether it's 'huckleberry' or 'huc...
Chris and Steve are joined by friend of the pod - Jake - to watch the skateboard movie, Grind. Thanks to Patron Will Nash for suggesting this one! We're on YouTube! We got BRAND NEW merch! Join the conversation at streamingth...
Chris and Steve watch this classic Korean zombie thriller suggested by Patron Casey! We're on YouTube! We got BRAND NEW merch! Join the conversation at Follow us all on Twitter! @StreamThingPod fo...
Chris and Steve head down to New Jersey to potentially suffer serious injury at the hands of the infamous Action Park! Just kidding! They watch the 2020 documentary - Class Action Park - which details all the harrowing yet su...
Chris, Andy, and Steve review Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Join the conversation at Follow us all on Twitter! @StreamThingPod for the show. @moviesRtherapy for Chris. @andymostdays for ...
Happy Holidays from all of us at Streaming Things. We thought we would give you all a special holiday gift this week. We are releasing our Patreon episode on Die Hard for all to hear! If you enjoy this episode and want to get...
Andy and Steve review Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Join the conversation at Follow us all on Twitter! @StreamThingPod for the show. @moviesRtherapy for Chris. @andymostdays for Andy....
Chris and Steve are forced to watch Midsommar from 2019. This movie was suggested by Patreon member Kalesha! Patreon members at a certain level can force us to watch whatever movie they choose. Join the conversation at stream...
Chris and Steve review Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Join the conversation at Follow us all on Twitter! @StreamThingPod for the show. @moviesRtherapy for Chris. @andymostdays for Andy. @ste...
Chris and Steve are forced to watch Evolution from 2001. This movie was suggested by Patreon member Jen! Patreon members at a certain level can force us to watch whatever movie they choose. Join the conversation at streamingt...
Chris and Steve receive their letters to Hogwarts this month as they deep dive every movie in the Harry Potter franchise (not counting the Fantastic Beasts). This week, they review Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Jo...